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Imagine the power company saying "For a one time investment, you can receive free power from now on!"  Never happen?  Or, a stock where you can get $900,720* of shares for $371,574* that is fully tax deductible and can be written off.  It also pays around $3,000* per month in dividends with a 20 year history of going up 4% per year.  Not too bad? Now how about if you could do all this while helping the environment and reducing the nation's dependency on oil?  Sound too good to be true? Its not.  It's called a Solar Photovoltaic (PV) system and it works like this:

There are three major components to a solar system: the photovoltaic panels which takes direct sunlight and converts it into DC current; the racks that hold your panels, which can be roof or ground mounted; and the inverters which condition the current to allow you to interconnect with your power company. 

Net-metering allows you to average your power production and your power usage over a one year period.  This means you can generate excess power during the summer when the sun shines the most, the rates are higher, then carry over that credit in dollars to the winter.

On a daily basis your system generates excess power in the day, which spins your meter backwards.  Instead of storing that energy in a battery, you can use the power company as your battery and get it back in the evening.  Under time-of-use metering, you will actually sell your power to the power company at peak rates which can range from 20 to 30 cents per kilowatt hour.  In the evening you buy power back at a much lower rate, as low as 5-8 cents per kilowatt hour.

With a year of your power bills, we can do a bill analysis and a custom cost breakdown of several sizes of systems with pay backs and percent of return schedules.

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